
A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.

—Robert Baden-Powell (founder of Scouts)

Living in the North Texas area we are fortunate to have a wide variety of choices including Scouts of America owned properties (e.g., Camp Widsom, Trevor-Reese Jones), Texas State Parks and National Parks and Forests. The troop scouts decide the camping locations based on their interests. Typically for weekend camping trips the troop stays within a 2-4 hour driving distance.

This is the fun part! You will be surprised by the variety of programs the Scouts of America has right here in North Texas. There are camping events sponsored by the Circle Ten and Longhorn councils that provide opportunities to earn scout rank requirements and merit badges. Of course, the troop has our own individual camp outs geared toward specific interests of the girls.

The good news for you and our troop is that we are made up of families who enjoy camping so we have equipment to spare. Of course, you are welcome to use your equipment as well. A few items your scout will need are a scout uniform, a comfortable pair of shoes for the hikes and a positive attitude – that’s free!

Two easy rules for campouts:

  • The Scout is responsible to pack their own gear – not Mom or Dad! Eventually the scouts are going to forget something and it is a great opportunity to practice those problem solving skills. Oh yeah – the Scoutmaster is not going to solve that problem either!
  • Scouts in our troop are told they need to notify parents 48 hours in-advance of needed items. Promise this is stated before every campout! Telling parents about something you need 4 hours before you leave is poor form.

See more details about what to bring.